Pacific Megascops Research Alliance
Finding BC’s missing owl
Western Screech-Owls have been disappearing from coastal BC for decades, yet we still don’t know why. Through this interdisciplinary collaboration we hope to find answers to this, and other nocturnal mysteries, across the province.
Watch our presentation to Nature Chilliwack —>
Processing large amounts of acoustic data quickly
There are are a number of identifiable acoustic signatures in this image. Traffic, Pacific Chorus Frog chorus, songbird dawn chorus, Ruffed Grouse, Sooty Grouse, rain. Learn how to use these images to process large volumes of acoustic data and interpreting these images by clicking on the image itself. We are currently using these Long Duration False Colour Spectrograms as part of our Rapid Visual Scanning technique to study Species At Risk and nocturnal owls in coastal BC.
Can Owls Sink Carbon?
The Vancouver Island University Lecture Series hosted one of our presentations this spring. Here we delve into Western Screech-Owl and other wildlife in BC and how they relate to old growth conservation and, therefore, climate change.
Our Organization
Find out about our mission, methods, and the work we do.
Take Part
We are looking for owl surveyors across BC. You can volunteer from wherever you are.