What We Do
Our Mission
Our mission is to encourage and foster collaboration between future, present and past coastal BC nocturnal wildlife researchers and provide outreach and engagement to the public, using Western Screech-Owls as our umbrella organism.
Photo: Samuelle Simard-Provençal
How we hope to achieve our mission
Building scientifically defensible Western Screech-Owl survey protocols for a) playback and b) remote sensing surveys and making these easily accessible and free through our website.
Collating existing data and creating and managing a database for all future Western Screech-Owl survey data to be housed and accessed through collaboration with Birds Canada’s Nature Counts (www.naturecounts.ca)
Simplifying access to, interpreting results of and engaging the public on existing research, reports and publications through our website and blog.
Teaching and involving volunteers in standard survey protocols using a) playback surveys and b) ARU remote sensing
Actively conducting research on Western Screech-Owls, and other nocturnal species of interest in Coastal BC, with a current focus on two important conservation-based topics:
a. Critical habitat designation
b. Understanding causes of wide-spread declines